+49 (0) 6021 / 40 27-0

TreDo - Soundproofing that fits everywhere!


TreDo HQW is not only powerful but also versatile in its application. 


Applications of TreDo:


Living Spaces: Transform your home into an oasis of peace and serenity. With TreDo, you can enjoy undisturbed evenings without the nuisance of noises from stairs or platforms.


Office Environments: Enhance the work atmosphere and improve concentration without distractions from noises in office buildings.


Public Buildings: Ensure a noise-free environment in public facilities, schools, and hospitals to enhance people's comfort and productivity.


Industrial Facilities: Reduce noise in industrial environments to ensure the safety and comfort of employees.


Event Venues: Whether it's a concert hall or theater, TreDo creates an acoustically optimized environment for a premium listening experience.


With TreDo, you can make a difference anywhere. Let's work together to make the world quieter and more pleasant!